Policy, Literature & Communications

Policies, coded memoranda and reports that govern and measure the CSU's foster youth programs are found here.

CSU Foster Youth Program Policies

AB 592 (2015) provides authorization to the California Department of Social Services to provide verification of foster care status to current and former foster youth.

The U.S. Department of Education Dear Colleague Letter GEN-13-18 (2013) clarified that extended foster care payments made directly to foster youth are to be excluded when determining Title IV federal student aid eligibility. Click here for a summary of the clarification.

AB 194 (2011) provides for priority registration at community colleges, California State Universities and University of California campuses for current and former foster youth.

AB 12 (2010), the California Fostering Connections to Success Act, extended foster care to age 21 in California.

AB 669 (2009) allows colleges and universities to grant resident status to foster youth under the age of 19 who were residing out of state as a dependent or ward under California’s child welfare system.

AB1393 (2009) requires University of California and CSU campuses to give foster youth priority for on-campus housing. California community colleges are requested to give priority to foster youth. In addition, CSU campuses with student housing open during school breaks are required to give first priority to current and former foster youth. UCs are only required to do so for foster youth who are otherwise eligible for a particular campus housing facility.

*Disclaimer: This is not a comprehensive list of policy related to foster youth in higher education.

Coded Memos

ASA-2017-26: Undergraduate Admission Application Fee Waiver 2018-19

ASA-2016-11: Guidance for reporting primary mode of instruction for degree required coursework

ASA-2016-10: Scholarship Administration Guidelines

ASA-2016-09: CSU Veterans Inventory Survey

ASA-2016-08: Basic Subject Courses and the Grade of C-

ASA-2016-07: Fully Online and Hybrid Degree Programs

AA-2011-20: Priority Registration for Current and Former Foster Youth

AA-2010-11: Priority Housing for Former Foster Youth


ASA-2017-26: Undergraduate Admission Application Fee Waiver 2018-19

ASA-2016-11: Guidance for reporting primary mode of instruction for degree required coursework

ASA-2016-10: Scholarship Administration Guidelines

ASA-2016-09: CSU Veterans Inventory Survey