
​​B1. Pre-Bid

Pre-Proposal M​​eetings & Pre-Trade Bid Meetings

Description: Campus staff should review the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) Model and Guidelines​.

Pre-Proposal Meeting: Attendees should include the Construction Administrator (CA), campus representatives, Alliant and others as needed.

At this meeting you will discuss:

  • selection of delivery method (consult with CPDC Construction Management staff for advice as needed)
  • project 2-7 budget, including direct construction costs and soft costs
  • project schedule
  • phasing
  • selection of RFQ/RFQ review committee
  • review RFQ/RFP documents for inclusion of sufficient information for contractors to respond to RFQ/RFP
  • all project-specific criteria 
  • program documents
  • Division 1
  • Contract General Conditions
  • Supplementary General Conditions
  • calendar of events as detailed in the RFQ/RFP templates
  • Board of Trustees approval of Schematic Design
  • preconstruction and construction contract durations
  • liquidated damages and methods to mitigate schedule risk
  • job walkthrough(s) and preproposal meetings
  • contractor license requirements
  • insurance requirements

Pre-Trade Bid Meeting: Prior to giving approval to proceed to bid the trade contractors, the Construction Administrator shall carefully review the project budget against the current estimate, the CMAR bid packages and assure that all trades have been advertised. The campus should witness the CMAR opening of trade bids to assure that it conforms to CSU policy.


Forms & Templates:

Advertising the Project

Description: The campus must advertise all projects in the California State Contracts Register using the Department of General Services's website, Cal eProcure, and run the ad for two weeks, though a longer period may be designated. 

It is recommended that the publication of the first ad coincide with the date that documents are available to bidders; the second ad would follow one week later. The campus must also advertise the project in one of the following two ways: 

  1. Campus will use newspaper advertising, advertising once a week for two consecutive weeks in a trade newspaper of general circulation, one published in Los Angeles, and one in San Francisco, and in one newspaper of general circulation published in the county in which the campus on which the project is bidding sits; or
  2. Campus may advertise online through the PlanetBids Public Solicitation Portal. Note: All trade bids must be advertised separately from the advertisement for the project RFQ and RFP phase. If desired, and if the trade bids are timed reasonably close to each other, all trades may be publically noticed with advertisement. The campus may assist with the trade bid advertisement by placing the ads on PlanetBids.

Content of Ads: For electronic ads, use the entire Notice to Contractors; for print ads, use Notice Inviting Bids form. 



Forms & Templates: These documents can be found on the Sample Forms page​.