The California State University is committed to ensuring that the citizens of California know how the CSU conducts business. To that end, the system strives to be accountable in all its dealings with students, faculty, staff, the community and businesses. This means sharing and updating information and making it readily available to the public.
Documents from the 1990s through the most recent fiscal year can be found here.
Find reports for a wide variety of departments—from Admissions to Title IX Compliance.
The CSU is committed to ensuring that the system’s programs, services and activities are accessible to all students, faculty, staff and the general public.
The CSU is committed to fully implementing the spirit as well as the legal requirements of both the Federal Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) and the California Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (CalNAGPRA).
The California Political Reform Act requires employees in designated positions to file an official Statement of Economic Interests form on an annual basis, and that all CSU employees disqualify themselves from participating in decisions in which they have a personal financial interest.
Proposed Disclosure CategoriesDesignated Positions List - Proposed ChangesDesignated Positions List - Final DraftIncorporation Page
See a list of purchase orders and contracts of $50,000 or more during the past five years for every CSU campus and the Chancellor’s Office:
View a summary of compensation for CSU executive leaders and campus presidents, along with the policy that guides the Board of Trustees.
The CSU has partnered with OpenGov to help you explore the CSU’s finances by year, campus and fund.
The CSU is committed to free expression as an essential component of its educational mission.
The CSU makes every attempt to ensure that its investment policies align with the values of the institution, while balancing its fiduciary responsibility to protect its universities and the students we serve.
Find recent reports on various programs and policies the CSU has submitted to the Legislature.
The CSU is transparent in disclosing, approving, and documenting outside employment by CSU managers and executives to identify potential conflicts of commitment and/or interest.
Learn how the California State University campus police are reimagining responsibilities and roles.
These campus-specific fees, adopted by 12 CSU campuses so far, are used to provide services to students.
The State Leadership Accountability Act (SLAA) requires state agencies to maintain effective systems to reduce the waste of resources, including biennial reports.