Season 3, Episode 5 – Project Rebound: Redeeming Lives through Education


About This Episode:

In 1967, Project Rebound was created to matriculate formerly incarcerated students into the CSU directly from the criminal justice system. Since the program’s inception, hundreds of Project Rebound students have obtained bachelor’s degrees and beyond. Project Rebound students system-wide have earned an overall grade point average of 3.0, have a zero percent recidivism rate, and 87% of graduates have secured full-time employment or admission to postgraduate programs.

In this episode, we will speak with the executive director of Project Rebound at Cal State San Bernardino, Annika Anderson about how she advocated for office space and resources on their campus. We’ll hear from formerly incarcerated staff member, Paul Jones and matriculated students, Robert Sandoval and Marta Barreto about the unique obstacles they face and the unique benefits they offer communities. And how this model can expand beyond California to transform campuses and students nationwide.

Featured on This Episode:

  • Annika​ Anderson,  is the executive director of Project Rebound at CSUSB and an associate professor in the Department of Sociology. She received her B.A. in Public Relations from Pennsylvania State University and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Sociology from Washington State University. Her research interests are in developmental and life-course criminology, reentry, social stratification, and race and ethnic relations. She has presented her research at numerous conferences and has several publications on crime and reentry based on research conducted in San Bernardino.
  • Paul A. Jones, is the program director of Project Rebound at CSUSB. He earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Social Work from California State University, San  Bernardino. In his role as program director, he also supervises interns placed in Project Rebound. He is a  co-author on a chapter in an edited volume titled Prisoner Reentry in the 21st Century: Critical Perspectives of Returning Home; Reentry in the Inland Empire: The Prison to College Pipeline with Project Rebound.

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