Summarized Employee








Indicates the employee has payments summarized for the fiscal year. For more information refer to Summarized Record Criteria.


This is a defined field using the eighth character in the field All Campuses: XX:SUMEMP/A1 = EDIT (XX:CAMPALL, '$$$$$$$9');


In rare instances, this field may contain an alpha character indicating a campus at which the employee is or has been employed. For those employees, it is necessary to use the field Summarized Record to determine if any of the payments are summarized.


Coding Values:

* = Employee has summarized payments

A-Y = Campus Alpha Code at which the employee is or has been employed. To determine if this employee has summarized payments, it is necessary to use the field Summarized Record.

blank = Employee does not have summarized payments.


Available Files:  

PH    Payment History Data

PHS  Payment History Summary