Definition of Terms

Allowable Item

A required or conditional data element on a PIMS transaction.  Refer to the coding matrix for each Transaction Code.

Carry Forward (CF)

Data items that will always carry forward into subsequent transactions.

  • If the item is allowed per the Required/Conditional matrix and no entry is made, the new transaction will reflect the data from the most current record. For example, if the new transaction to be added is current (in sequence), the CF data item will carry forward the data from the prior active record. If the new transaction to be added is out-of-sequence and no entry is made, the CF data item will reflect the data from the current status record.

  • If the item is not allowed, the new transaction will reflect the data from the prior active record.

Conditional Carry Forward (CCF)

Data items that will carry forward into subsequent transactions under certain conditions. Refer to the Chart Of Corrective Actions for a list of the transactions and conditions under which data will carry forward.

Current Status

This is the transaction with the most recent effective date. The current status record appears as the first (top) line of history displayed on the Employee History/Synopsis screen.

Non-Carry Forward

A data item that does not carry forward because it does not apply to the subsequent transaction.


Any (new, correct, void) transaction added to the PIMS database that bears an effective date prior to the effective date of the current status record of a specific position sequence (not to be confused with "retroactive"). When this occurs, the employee’s record is automatically set out of service "S".

PIMS Coding Matrix

Matrixes are organized by transaction code to indicate when data elements may or may not be entered as part of a transaction record. The Required/Conditional Matrix indicate when items must/may be completed or left blank.

Prior Record

This refers to the record effective immediately prior to the transaction to be added.

Prior Transaction

A transaction bearing an effective date earlier than the effective date of any subsequent (later) transaction. Employment History transactions displayed on the Employee History/Synopsis in effective date order, with the most recent date appearing as the first (top) line entry (current status).

Subsequent Transaction

A transaction that is or will be printed/displayed on a line above an earlier transaction on the PIMS database.

Reconstructing Employment History

Reconstructing employment history is the manual review process used to determine the effect of an out-of-sequence transaction on all subsequent transactions. An out-of-sequence correction, void or new transaction may contain information that should be changed, added to or deleted from subsequent transactions. Note: The PIMS database does not automatically adjust subsequent transactions, including those added via mass update.


A transaction processed with an effective date in a prior pay period (not to be confused with "out-of-sequence").

Suffix Codes

  • "C" (CORRECT) indicates an action processed to change one or more items on a transaction. The "C" suffix attaches to the transaction code containing corrected data items, and displays on the Employee History/Synopsis.

  • "D" (DELETE) attaches to the transaction code displaying the prior image of a corrected transaction. A transaction code with a "D" suffix is a "dead (inactive) record" and should never be considered when reconstructing employment history.

  • "E" (ELIMINATE) is the same as a "void", but is used exclusively by the State Controller’s Office. The suffix "E" attaches to the transaction that has been eliminated, and does not create a prior image. Transactions with suffix display on the Employee History/Synopsis. A Transaction Code with suffix ’E’ is a "dead record", and should never be considered when reconstructing employment history.

  • "F" (FIX) is the same as a ’correct’, but is used exclusively by the State Controller’s Office. The "F" suffix attaches to the transaction code displaying the prior image. Transactions with suffix "F" display on the Employee History/Synopsis.

  • "V" (VOID) is used to delete an invalid transaction from an employee's data base history, or to correct a Transaction Code and/or Effective Date. The suffix 'V' attaches to the transaction that has been voided, and does not create a prior image. The voided transactions display on the Employee History/Synopsis. Transactions with suffix ’V’ are "dead (inactive) records" and should never be considered when reconstructing employment history.

Transaction Package

PIMS transaction documentation of several actions for an individual employee. Transactions may be current or out-of-sequence.


A void that corrects Item the Transaction Code or Effective Date of a previous transaction, and is immediately replaced with the correct Transaction Code and/or Effective Date. Both transactions may be documented on the PIMS transaction if the correction does not create an out-of-sequence condition.



Last Updated: March 1, 2002